Nordisk Supermotard Mesterskab 2014?
Norge og Sverige er gået igang med at arrangere Nordisk Supermoto Mesterskab 2014, og vil have os danskere med.
Sweden Supermoto Championship Calendar 2020
The Swedish Supermotard Championship 2020 offers you six rounds of supermoto racing at different locations in Sweden.
Motorcykelværksted MOFF
1 mand fra Moffpitbikes kører hver dag på arbejde fordi han slet ikke kan la' vær !
- Motorcycle Repair Shop in Copenhagen!
A Supermoto Dane in Australia
Danish Per Londin Nielsen at Morgan Park Raceway in Australia
Thomas Chareyre Grand Prix Winner of Sicily
The crowd and workers watched the intriguing races with bated breath as there were many unexpected crashes.