Supermotard.dk har modtaget et brev fra Timo Lehto, Supermoto Finland.

I sin helhed går brevet ud på at der er en stigende interesse for at afvikle et Nordeuropæisk Supermoto Mesterskab under UEM fra 2013.

2013 UEM Supermoto North European Championship?

North European Supermoto Championship

Mesterskabet skulle så bestå af 3 afdelinger, eksempelvis i Finland, Sverige og Estland det første år. Året efter ville det så foregå i Danmark, Norge og et andet Baltisk land.

Disse events skulle køres over en “Super-weekend” hvor de nationale mesterskaber blev afviklet om lørdagen (udenlandske deltagere kunne også deltage). Og om søndagen ville der være North European Supermoto Championship i S1, Open og muligvis også Quad.

Timo Lehto beder i brevet alle involverede supermotard folk tage stilling til, om hvor mange estimerede nationale kørere kunne være interesserede i dette nye tiltag? Han vil senere hen stå for at tage kontakt til UEM, når der kommer respons tilbage til ham, fra de nationale organisationer.

Kom med din mening enten herunder, eller i 7030 Forum

Brevet i hele sin længde (på engelsk).

“Dear Nordic Supermoto friends!

There exists a raising interest in an official North European Supermoto Championships series among race drivers. We have been planning to put up a series of 3-5 championship races in North Europe. In order to make it appealing for the racing teams we should request official North European Championship status from the officials of UEM. For this I would need your opinions what you think of this and would you be ready to organise one of the events in your countries in the following years. Also what is your estimation of rider quantities from your countries? The Championship class can be S1 or Open, what ever suits the best for most of the countries own regulations.

The plan for year 2013:

Total 3 races, to be organised at the same event of national championships. For example 1 race in Finland, 1 in Estonia (or other Baltic country) and 1 in Sweden.The following year the responsibility to organise an event will move to next countries, Norway, Denmark…)

The idea is to organise “double” weekends together with your own national championship races. For example saturday would be normal national race, where of course the international racers could also take part. Sunday would be the North European Championship race day with S1 and Open classes, maybe even Quads.

I am ready to contact UEM about this as soon as you response with your ideas and opinions.

With best regards,”

Timo Lehto
Supermoto Council
Finnish Motorcycle Federation
Tel. +358405560641
Email:  Timo Lehto



Du kan sikkert huske da Danmark afviklede Nordic Supermoto Challenge 2007, som var et lignende type event, bare ikke i så stor en skala som dette nye tiltag.

Gense se noget af 2007 Nordic Supermoto Challenge her.



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